Wednesday, April 6, 2011


That thems there was a great win. In front of the home crowd with Ole High-Leg-Kick throwing out the first pitch and the field looking pristine, the Padres came through with a 3-1 victory.  Here are some impressions from the three or four innings of the game I saw:

* Nick Hundley has decided he's the best catcher ever to breath. He'll totally keep it up for the whole season so watch out Ted Williams
* We chased a man with the first name 'Madison' after 3 and some change innings
* The Pads had a couple opportunities to blow that game open, didn't
* Bartlett's glove is looking golden
* Arron 'The Harrang-a-tang' decided to party like it's 2007, call GW and hop on your nintendo Wii
* Pablo Sandoval decided he sucks D at playing D (/applying tags like a paid professional would do)
* I keep re-forgetting that O-Dog is on our team. He's helping that by hitting .111
* Mike Adams is slowly making his way back into the sexy swing of things
* Heath Bell is My Padre
* Is it just me or is Dick Endberg a little less mute-button-inducing thus far?? Maybe it's early...
* Lastly, it looked pretty overcast during the game, which makes Bochy look even more like a dweeb in these shades:

Tha fuck is up with those?

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