Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Total lie. 'Live' to me, not live to anyone else. Factually this was yesterday's game. 16 hour time difference and MLB.TV HOLLA. It gets boring watching these games solo with no one to talk to so it's you and me Jerry's Kids, let's do this. Hopefully every other line won't start with Votto. Also let's hope nobody changed their jock since yesterday and the bats show up.

* Mark Grant wants Latos to chill out. I say fuck that throw at a the first batter and put the fear in em, we live in docile ass SD we need a lil fire.
* First contact is a fly out, but def a homerun in Cincy. Remember what Adrian used to do in Cincy? Sigh.
* I like the threesome of #19, Ole Man Endberg and Mudcat in the booth. K I like Tony in the booth, how about that.
* Joey Votto looks like a yayga'bombs type of guy. He also gut rung the fuck up
* I know the Padres waitress for the seats behind home plate through some mutual friends. The one night I met her she had broke up with her 5 year boyfriend the day before and we all got sloshed on tequila in Old Town and she kept alternating between shots and crying. Cool chick though considering.
* Latos wasn't dominate but looked good through one. My connection sorta shittedout towards the end of the inning so to be honest I didn't a lot of it.
* Is this Reds starting picture the fucker who bicycle kicked someone with cleats during a scuffle last year?
* Will Venable is a G.
* Great contact by Hudson, waited back on that ball and taking it the other way. Looking fly in the first!
* FUCK YEA O Dog, take that stolen base. 2nd 3rd w/ no1 out.

* Christ. Bases loaded. The Pads have a bases loaded curse for real. C'mon Luddy
* BEANED! Hahah cool? I got drunk on Saturday night and passed out, only I was still standing up when the latter occurred. Ludwick and I should compare bruises.
* Hawp has not been taking good hacks... he should get hit...
* I'll take a sac fly instead, good catch
* The Chn4 guys are talking about someone going out to clam down a pitcher. I remember Buddy Black did that to Peavy during his first season as manager in the middle of a inning while jake was screaming at himself as usual. I thought Jake was going to front kick Buddy back to the dugout when he got to the mound.
* Double play.  Two early runs tho.
* Latos is hitting the low 90's consistently, gettin the calls. Good thing Joe West is at 1st and not behind the plate. Because he's a fat, fat bastard. Only reason.
* Ridic ass ground to the catcher play, good heads up Nick.
* 94, 93, 79.  Good luck adjusting to that, Reds. This game is sorta goofy already.
* Liking Cam Maybin. No homo.
* Scott Rolen has won 8 goddamn gold gloves? One of those was probably supposed to be Kooz's
* Latos crusin through three, totally in control. Also the crowd sounds a lot better with out another team's fans there to drown them out.
* hahah Dick Endberg "That Met's bullpen is in big trouble." It's only been like that for 4 years of the same headline.

* Good snag by Dave Roberts. MLB should give out silver gloves every year for the best 1st and 3rd base coaches fielding.
* Volquez is calmed the fuck down. Curve looking good, change up is working well.
* Sorta fell asleep during that frame, maybe because I worked 11 hours today and I got home and got in bed to watch the game....
* Quick cig and I'm back!
* Hot Rod Hudley taking advantage of the lightening quick Votto's failed H&R.
* Johnny Gomes hit a ball that looked like it challenged the speed of sound. BOOM, 2-1 Pads end of the 4th. 
* OH. FUCK. YES. The San Diego Chicken is at Petco. LET'S GET THIS DONE. as Ludwick strikes out.
* Brad Hawp. That name puts a fear in no one.
* This game is 3-2 Reds in Ohio. Not here next to the bay, bitches. One out in the 5th.
* Okay. well. fuck me. Now it actually IS 3-2 Reds in the 5th after the 2 run jack. Begged for that Karma. C'mon Matty keep those pitches down.
* Mark Grant just informed me there is a 3rd round of the WNBA draft. I'd ask why but I've already spent too much time on the subject.
* The bottom of the 5th went by fast. Pad's haven't gotten a hit since they got the first out of the first inning. I'm busy gearing up to making pasta for dinner, because I didn't quite get it right the last six nights in a row that I've had it for dinner.
* Shit kickin hells yeah, Will Tha Thrill leads off the 6th with a base knock.
* O Dog down on 3 pitches. Saawweeet.
* Will caught stealing. Great throw and tag. I'm literally leaving now.
* Okay I came back as Headly scores a walk. Ludwick and his .115 average is up.
* That average is lower now.
* Speaking lower now, it's the 8th and the Pads are still down 3-2. No bats. I also just paid off $500 worth of student loans online. Guess who's 1/42th of the way there putas!
* This spaghetti sucks.
* See, this is what I'm talking about, the Reds drafted Joey Votto. The Giants drafted Posey, same with Howard, Braun and on and on. On the offensive side... who have we drafted in the last 20 years? Christ I know we won't be able to keep them but give us something.
* Qualls just got out of a two runner on jam in the 8th, atta boy. Last year you always felt like the boys had a decent chance at mustering up something, it's hard to Keep the Faith strong with this lineup but we'll see...
* Leadoff, knee-slappin, double!!!! A-Gon2.0!!
* kill me. A-Gon2.0 out at 3rd on a messed up bunt. AND he was safe. When it's not going your way...

* Cantu is fouling off a baker's dozen balls as we speak. I remember Carols Hernandez fouled off 9 in a row once.
* Strike em out throw em out double play. everyone and everything die. I'm becoming a Gateway Grizzlies of the Frontier League full time fan now. New blog on the way. Pain and misery.
* Okay bottom 9 now, O Dog gets the bloop, forget the blast how about a double??

* Okay okay, 1 out and O Dog on 2nd, how about a single?!?!?! CMON LUDDDDDDYYYY!!!
* The Name of No Fear grounds out to end it.

Didn't happen. Blast. We got one or two breaks, wasn't enough for the non-bat to overcome, even tho Matty Latos looked good. Back at em' tomorrow!!

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