Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The pendulum has swung back to the point where now I want to see more commercials online. To be more specific, I want to see varied commercials online, and not have the same ones over and over like I'm in a police stand-off and they are playing Yani on loop to get me to come out. I've watched almost every game this season online at MLB.TV, and although the DVR function definitely has its benefits and its issues, by far the biggest hate I have is the commercials.

I have accepted that there has to be commercials/advertisements in the world, the system is a necessity to fund the fancy light-pictures I watch as entertainment/friend-filler. So acknowledging that there has to be commercials, can we at least get some different ones? Good or bad, just change it up!

I've memorized every tick and inflection in the MLB Umpire Camp (at the Urban Youth Academy in Compton) spot from last month. I used to love (as much as one can) Coors Light, until that jackass baby goat pick up line commercial runs at me 18 times a game. It's always the same terrible two or three commercials in a loop. I only half watch most things online because of that deficit of attention so I can usually block that stuff out, but what distracts me from being distracted is now annoyed my subconscious is with this terrible ads are and I end up muting the computer and the next thing I know, I've missed two innings where the Padres got runners on 1st and 3rd with one out and failed to score because the computer's sound was muted and I forgot about it.

Are they really not selling ANY advertising space? Is that why they have to sell the whole block to one company? If so, Lexus needs to step the damn game up and get five or six spots up.


I also have NBA League Pass for the playoffs, and they show the SAME commercial every time as well, however it is a 'Greatest Moment of the Playoffs segment'. I think a compromise to make that idea not blow after the first time around would be during the 20+ commercial breaks in a game, have the usual crap commercials, BUT THEN have 25 varied or so one-minute highlights from every franchise, and them play them based on the team's feed you are watching. Pitching change? One commercial and then BOOM Jon Vander Wall's pinch HR in '98. End of the 4th? 'Buy a Lexus' and then BAM Chris Gywnn's double against LA in '96. Injury? BLAM-O Ben Davis's bunt against hall of fame D-Bag Curt Schilling to break up is perfect game.

 I'd pay an extra $5 a month to show old school Channel 4 Ty's Tips segments from the pre-game show, or those awesome old 'Keep the Faith' commercials, especially "Ricky Gets On", or the one with Cammy talking about Greg Vaugh's power with his shirt off (….you know, for the ladies…..).We can work something out MLB!

Anything but the same two spots every. time. around. Hate that shit.

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