Friday, June 3, 2011


Derp. Derpa derp, de durp derp. Derpa de durp, durp durpa derp. Derp durpa derp derp, durpa derp de derp derp derpa durp. De durpa derp derp derp dupra. Durp. Duuuuurrrrp durp.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the top of the 3rd inning from last night's loss to the Huston Astros. Failtown, USA. Guck this fame.

Here are the low lights, keep in mind these are not all the bad things that happened in this frame, these are the worst parts of the bad things that happened in this inning:

* Leadoff single for 3rd straight inning against Stauffer
* Carlos Lee hit a 3 run bomb but since it's Petco it was a one RBI ground rule double, 3-0 'Stros
* Catcher's interference against the Padres to load the bases
* Bartlett bobbles a ball and runner safe at first, 4-0 at this point
* 2nd baseman Scrub McDerpDerp air mails the final out of the inning on a failed (FAILED) double play attempt, 6-0
* Foul ball, Pads fan in the front row throws bottled beer onto field in true fail fashion during atrocious attempt to snag ball, fitting for the inning
* Hit batsmen

Here is a photo analogy:

Beer strewn, ball out of reach, life questioned. I honestly can't remember an all around worse half inning of baseball. Oh yeah, JV lose 7-4.

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