Sunday, May 1, 2011

4/30 Rod Barajas, Player of the Game!

Alright that's sorta mean. Mostly because why kick a guy when he's down besides minor giggles, but also the Padres as a whole played an awesome game Saturday night at Chavez Ravine and they deserve credit.

A night after Anthony Gwynn Jr. grand thefted the game from the Pads in the bottom of the 9th, Timmy Stauffer continued his polar-opposite-of-Matt Latos streak from last season in a more than stellar outing. The hitters were getting runners on base, moving them over and getting them in. The Doyer catcher Barajas dropped two balls during plays at the plate, the first of which I refused to watch on replay because of what it looked like happened to Barajas's left knee. Maybin went feet first into the catcher's straightened left knee and Barajas should be considering himself the luckiest man in the state to not have to spend Sunday looking for jobs on craig's list.

Where I live is on the other side of the world so this game occued on May 1st here so I'll jump the gun and say I toldya so about the Padres in May. However the actual May 1st game tomorrow features the personality-less former friar Jon Garland vs. Dustin "Measly-Amount-Of-Run-Support" Mosely. Seriously, the Chan4 crew pointed it out tonight, the JV squad has given him the worst run support in the major leagues.

So hopefully the boys can start all new trends by winning a series and getting Dustin some runs!!



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