Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A friend of my burst my superfanboy teenage bubble about a decade ago when told me that the only reason the Padres were giving away Bruce Bochy tee-shirts one Saturday night was because everyone else on that team sucked. Well that was definitely the truth. I mean the Mark Kotsay #14 shirt was a stretch on its own that year (but if memory serves correct the same year gave us the Eric Owens dirty shirt freebie, and to its credit that was the shit.) The Padres organization actually tried to make a Bruce Bochy bobble head but it would just topple over from the top weight at the slightest touch.

Well the no-name Padres are back at it again this year with a giveaway this Saturday of 5th year manager Bud Black. The Bud Black Bobble Head will have the awesome features of 'who-cares?' as well as 'doesn't-matter' and for an added bonus, 'pathetic'. It's a testament to the lack of names true, but also (and what was so cool about the Owens shirt) the Pads are lacking on some really adored players left on the roster that have earned places in the Friar Faithful's esteem. I'da loved a Jerry Hairston bobble head, but The Jairston as well as most of the team leaders from last year have vamoosed. Hell I'd rather have a retro-ish Ryan Klesko first-pitch-wiff-on-a-ball-in-the-dirt bobble head for giggles over a manager who hasn't gotten us out of the first round.

It doesn't feel like it, but are we really back in the dark ages of the early 2000s again? If you read the giveaways as a testament then YUP. Honestly Pads, just bring back the 5 for $5 for one night so we can get schwasted on cheap hot dogs and mini bags of pop corn and call it a night.

Hate Hate Hate by matt

(ps this post should be about the Giants being douchy, but I expect most of the TWIH to be along those lines so I'll save it)

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