Sunday, May 29, 2011


Don't really mind that 2-1 loss to the Nats on Friday. After playing 12 innings the other day with two hits and still losing, I am ready for the JV Padres to start earning wins. Mike Adams is still an all star, as far as I'm concerned he just saved us a longer night. The best part of the night though for sure was Jerry Hairston flipping his lid. To be honest I was pre-gaming so i just watched it on mute and didn't really see what initiated it but seeing a good old Jairston hissy fit was like seeing an old friend after years apart.

"The word I'm about to say starts with F, and ends with yousunnofbitchumpire"
Remember people used to say, 'Well the Hairston brothers are half Latin, and they say that Jerry takes after his mother....' hahaha nothing like a grown man throwing a tantrum and then having people cite his heritage with a side dish of racial stereotypes. To harp on the same old lack-of-leadership point, there was more fire & fury in that two minute freak out than probably in the Padres locker room all season, including the time....that....uuhhmm.....MAN I can't even think of some little thing that someone on the team would flip out about to make a joke - we have like a personality-less team. I guess: like the time someone told Mat Latos that Florida sucks. There, that's all I got.

Good news is that Stauffer and Clay-Rich (promise that'll be the last time I use that nickname) are looking like professionals again, and with another Latos sighting last week I'm psyched on our young staff again. I can watch a well pitched Padres game any day of the week and be satisfied. I just go do stuff during the offensive half-frames (I suggest exercise, cooking, smoking, writing letters to fictional vampires, or quietly weeping in stairwells). And of course Mr. Tekotte decided to introduce himself to the big league ball club, literally winning us the game. Worth should have caught that ball for the triple but either way, double and a 3-bagger in his first start? Deal. Take notes....all of the entire team.

Cam Maybin needs to do something cool next game. BOOM Insightful.

Hope you are having a great memorial day weekend everyone, hope you are with family and friends and remember, never do drugs unless you are positive the people around you will think you are cooler,  never do the drank and drive, and bbq everyday.

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